Thursday, July 5, 2012

Super, as in Duper

Last night, I had a nightmare that is actually kind of an awesome story idea. This happens a lot with dreams I have.

So, here's the dream: I'm in Walmart, which is also inside my high school. I'm standing in line, debating on what colour running shorts to get. There's a choice of brown, black, blue, and green. Why I remember those colours, I have no idea. Anyway. I ask the checkout lady what she thinks, and she picks brown.

While I continue to deliberate, there's a big hubbub. A bunch of people with superpowers attack the store/school. Everyone's running away, and I grab a pair of the blue shorts, along with an 8-piece Chick-fil-A nuggets meal with the brand sauce. Don't ask why that's suddenly in the Walmart. I don't know.

Well, apparently the Walmart workers are upset when you steal from them, even during an invasion. I ignore the people trying to stop me and run out of the school/store. It's dark and rainy and everyone's screaming. The superpower people are destroying everything and trying to kill as many people as possible. It's chaos.

I somehow make it to the car, which is my mother's PT Cruiser instead of my little Mazda. My friend Katie is now with me (hi, Katie!), and we drive to my house. There, my aunt is there along with my parents. My mother is trying to cook chicken, even though the power is out and the superpower people are bound to come in and kill us all.

As I rather like living, I go back to my room and change into my running gear. Then, after eating my Chick-fil-A, I fill a backpack with some supplies and say goodbye. I'm not getting killed all because they don't understand that we're sitting ducks.

So now I'm running down this trail that I run down every other day in real life. Remember how it's all dark and rainy? Yeah. That's kind of scary running weather when you're trying to escape from mutant freaks. Well, as predicted, one of the superpower people has super speed. He catches up to me.

And that's when I wake up. Bummer, huh? I want to know what happened!

This morning, after picking up pine cones and washing my work pants, I looked up some superpowers. I'm going to turn this into a story. Yeah, yeah, I know, I have too many stories as it is. Shush. Look at this list of superpowers I found on Wikipedia! I only wrote down the ones I liked and thought might work in the story.

Acid Generation
Animal Mimicry/Shape-shifting
Pheromone Manipulation
Animated Hair
Sonic Scream
Astral Projection
Psionic Blast
Reality Warping
Force Field
Inorganic/Substance Mimicry

Any suggestions for cool superpowers would be appreciated. Most of my superpower people are going to have multiple abilities, because having one superpower person for each one would be a LOT of them, which isn't fair for my protag.

In other news, Slytherin won the House Cup on Pottermore! Yay!


  1. I get inspired by my nightmares all the time. In fact, most of my stories were once terrifying dreams, and most of my characters are the people who say "hi!" and "goodnight!" in my head every time I hit the pillow at the end of the day.

    In regards to super powers. about a guy who transforms into an alien panther/insect/mythical creature, secreting poison spores from the crevices in between his joints. He would duplicate himself by either splitting in half (then regrowing the back or front side on both resulting bodies) or having fully grown copies of himself crawl out of an elastic sac attached to an exposed spine. He could carry a virus in his teeth so that when he bites you, a mutating gene is passed into your blood which burns through your skin with internal growths (similar to his reproductive sac). Too creepy?

    1. Not too creepy! Definitely strange. I shall have to see if he fits in with the rest of the superpower gang!

    2. Strange is what I do best. :)

  2. Hi Hattie...

    I was okay with this dream all the way until you ran away and left me to the mercy of the superpowered creatures... Can I at least fight them off with the chicken-cooking utensils or something? I think it'd be quite satisfying for the acid-generating shape-shifter to meet his match in a frying pan.

    I don't see flight anywhere on the list of superpowers, which seemed quite odd. Also, there's nothing about electricity or luminosity. Both are semi-typical superpowers.

    1. Sorry... Dream Hattie doesn't care about others. Not sure why.

      Flight had it's own subsection on Wiki, so I was way too lazy to put them all, or it at all. Electricity is an elemental power, and I'm not planning on using elemental ones considering my NaNo this year centered on that.


You should know that my cat hates you.